EU-wide stress test 2023

The results of the European Banking Authority’s stress tests demonstrate Spanish banks’ sound resilience


The European Banking Authority (EBA) has today published the results of the stress tests of 70 European Union credit institutions. The European Central Bank (ECB), following criteria consistent with those applied in the EBA exercise, has conducted a parallel stress test on another 41 euro area medium-sized significant institutions.

Eight Spanish banking groups participated in the EBA-coordinated exercise: Santander, BBVA, CaixaBank, Sabadell, Bankinter, Unicaja, Abanca and Kutxabank.


The significant Spanish institutions subjected to the EBA and ECB stress tests demonstrate sound resilience and maintain satisfactory capital levels under the adverse scenario, despite it being more severe than in the previous exercise.

The results of the European Banking Authority’s stress tests demonstrate Spanish banks’ sound resilience (173 KB)

EBA press release: EBA publishes the results of its 2023 EU-wide stress test
ECB press release: Stress test shows euro area banking sector could withstand severe economic downturn (109 KB)
Frequently asked questions on the 2023 stress test (132 KB)
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