The liquidity and financing indicators have been revised (tables 8.2 to 8.8). Chapter 3 of the Statistics Bulletin, which includes them, has been renamed as "Financial accounts and supplementary indicators"
Chapter 3. Financial Accounts and supplementary indicators
As of this edition of the Statistical Bulletin, Chapter 3 is renamed Financial accounts and supplementary indicators as Section C now includes the liquidity and financing indicators that were previously included in the Economic Indicators (8.2 to 8.8). Also, these indicators have been revised, mainly to incorporate extra information. The indicators are also available through the webpage of Financial Accounts. In this page, in the right column under the methodology section a methodological note is provided so the user may be informed about the sources and methods used to compile the figures.
The main changes are: a) in the case of the liquidity indicators (3.16 to 3.18), within the participations in investment funds, those in foreign collective investment institutions have been included and in addition, the series of net transactions or net subscriptions is provided for the total; b) in the case of the financing indicators (3.19 to 3.22), loans to SMEs, loans to sole proprietors and loans from the external sector to households are now included; loans from credit institutions to households are now broken down by house purchase, consumption and other purposes; transferred loans no longer include an estimate of loans not serviced.