This tool allows you to calculate the equivalent in another currency of an amount in euro or vice versa. You can choose either the latest available exchange rate or a historical exchange rate (for daily rates, any rate since 4 January 4 1999; for monthly averages, that of any month since January 1999).
The daily exchange rates are the official euro rates, provided by the European Central Bank (ECB). These exchange rates are updated at 10:00 every business day with the data published by the ECB on the previous day at 16:00. In any case, the exchange rates used in the currency converter, as well as the calculated amounts, are merely indicative and, therefore, using the rates for transaction purposes is not recommended. The rates are not binding on the Banco de España.See more
Amount to convert
Base currency
Quote currency
Date of reference
To use the calendar: use the arrow keys to scroll through the calendar. By pressing the cursors you scroll through the days of the month. By pressing the Shift key plus cursors you scroll through the months. By pressing the Ctrl key plus cursors you scroll through the years.
Amount to convert
Base currency
Quote currency
Month of reference
To use the calendar: use the arrow keys to scroll through the calendar. By pressing the cursors you scroll through the days of the month. By pressing the Shift key plus cursors you scroll through the months. By pressing the Ctrl key plus cursors you scroll through the years.
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