Statistical applications

Several statistical applications or products can be accessed from this section. They are aimed, on one hand, at the general public to provide them swiftly with publicly disclosed and intuitive economic information; and, on the other, at researchers and financial analysts.

Time series applications

  • Statistics mobile app icon

    Mobile app for the dissemination of statistics This mobile application can be used to browse a selection of the statistical information published by the Banco de España easily and dynamically. It works on iOS and Android platforms (the minimum versions supported are iOS 14 and Android 11).

  • BIEST. Time Series Search Engine banner

    BIEST. Time Series Search Engine The BIEST system stores the statistical information published by the Banco de España on the internet. It provides access to thousands of regularly updated time series and is an essential resource for finding financial and monetary information.

  • Statistics and econometrics software The Banco de España has a long-standing tradition of developing applications for forecasting, seasonal adjustments, trend and cycle estimations, interpolations, the detection and correction of outliers and the estimation of calendar effects. At present, the approach and algorithms developed by the Banco de España have been incorporated into the Jdemetra+ software provided by the European Commission, which officially recommends members of the European Statistical System and the European System of Central Banks to use it.

Data visualization tools

All statistical data visualization tools can be found in the following section:

Other consultation applications

  • Currency converter It allows you to calculate the equivalent in euros of an amount in another currency, and vice versa. The conversion can be performed using daily or monthly average exchange rates, and it is possible to select the latest available or another date (corresponding to a business day) since January 1999.
    Exchange rates and equivalent amounts calculated are for informational purposes only, and should not be used for transactions. These exchange rates are not binding on the Banco de España.

  • Sectorization of the Spanish Economy It provides access to extensive downloadable information on the enterprises that make up the Spanish economy, based on two types of sectorisation: the European System of Accounts (SEC 2010) and the Central Credit Register of the Banco de España.

  • Compara tu empresa (only in Spanish) This on-line application (in English, Compare your company) allows a corporation to enter the data referring to this company of 10 ratios, and make your comparison in historical series with the sector and size that is selected. If the target is to obtain an individual study of your company with greater detail on comparison ratios, you can voluntarily collaborate with the Central Balance Sheet Data Office completing its questionnaire. This will allow you to obtain a more detailed study on the evolution of your enterprise with respect to your branch of activity.
    These statistical distributions have been obtained from the integrated database of the Central Balance Sheet Data Office (CBI). This database has more than 640,000 companies in the series of years represented in these graphs, which includes the companies that deposit their financial accounts in the Mercantile Registries. This is possible thanks to the existing collaboration agreement between the Central Balance Data Office and the Mercantile Registries. To find out more details about the definition of the ratios and their graphic representation, please access the user manual.

  • Aggregates by sector The sectoral aggregates application provides information compiled from firms included in the Integrated Central Balance Sheet Data Office Survey (CBI by its Spanish abbreviation) database, the result of combining the information from Central Balance Sheet Data Office Annual Survey (CBA) sources and from SMEs and large firms with fewer than 500 employees included in the Spanish Mercantile Register database (CBB).

  • Sectoral rates of non-financial corporations (RSE database) The database of sectoral ratios of non-financial corporations (RSE by its Spanish abbreviation) provides statistical information for the comparative analysis of individual companies with non-financial corporation aggregates, making it possible to classify companies by activity sector and size. This database disseminates information on 29 significant ratios for the economic and financial analysis of the non-financial corporation aggregates obtained on the basis of three characteristics: activity, size and country.

  • Primary public financial statements of credit institutions (only in Spanish) Circular 2/2020, which, inter alia, amends Rules 4 and 5 of Circular 4/2017 on public and confidential financial reporting rules and formats for credit institutions, establishes that the dissemination of the primary public financial statements is the responsibility of the Banco de España, irrespective of whether it may also be carried out by the representative associations of credit institutions. This web application offers information on the individual and consolidated primary public financial statements, entity by entity, which include the balance sheet, the income statement, the statement of recognised income and expense, the statement of changes in equity and the cash flow statement. The first period to which the financial statements refer is March 2018. The application allows the visualisation of data for the selected date and financial statement, for up to a maximum of two entities. Additionally, the application allows the selected information to be downloaded in the following formats: XBRL, PDF and EXCEL. These downloads include data for all entities for the selected date and statement, even if only one or two entities were selected.


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