Direct account operations and record keeping of public debt transactions


  • Processing of Banco de España’s direct accounts
  • Record keeping of public debt transactions in Banco de España’s direct accounts, as a member of the primary market for Government Debt securities
  • Prevention of fraudulent transactions in credit transfers settled through STEP2

Legal basis

  • Performance of a contract to which the data subject is party.
  • Performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller pursuant to:
    • (i) Law 13/1994, of 1 June, on the Autonomy of Banco de España.
    • (ii) Law 58/2003, of 17 December, on general taxation.
  • Legitimate interest of account holders in respect of processing linked to the prevention of fraudulent transactions

Categories of data subjects

  • Citizens
  • Attorneys/Authorized persons by the owners of the direct accounts
  • Legal representatives

Categories of personal data

  • Identification data: Name, surname, ID number, nationality, signature, residence card (for verification purposes, this data is checked against the data contained in the verification and consultation services of identification data - SVDI - of the Public Administration's intermediation platform).
  • Contact data: Phone number
  • Economic data: Accounts information (account no., nominal and cash balance, redemptions and transfers for sale)
  • Personal characteristics data: Date of birth
  • Others: Photocopy of ID card, signature image

Retention period

Personal data shall be retained for the time necessary to fulfil the purpose for which they were collected and to allocate any liability arising from said purpose and from the processing of the data.

Security measures

In accordance with the First Additional Provision of the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, the security measures implemented at Banco de España correspond to those provided for in the National Security Scheme.


  • Credit institutions
  • Tax administration
  • Iberclear
  • Entitled interested parties
  • Other financial institutions
  • Courts of Justice
  • Other competent public authorities

International transfer of data


Data controller

Banco de España
NIF: Q2802472G

Data Protection Officer

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Exercise of rights and complaints

You can check whether it is mandatory for you to provide your personal data, as well as the procedure to exercise your rights, withdraw your consent if applicable and lodge a complaint before the Data Protection Officer or the Spanish Data Protection Agency at our Privacy Policy

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