Francisco Javier Priego General Secretary
Place and date of birthMadrid, 5 June 1958.
Academic qualifications, distinctions and awards
- 1980
- Graduate in Law. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
- 1984
- Specialist in Mercantile Law. Banco de España Training Centre.
Career details
- 2011 to date
- General Secretary of the Banco de España. Member and Secretary of the Managing Committee of the Deposit Guarantee Fund for Banking Establishments. Member of the Governing Committee of the FROB. Member of the National Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering Activities and its Standing Committee. Secretary to the Board of Trustees of CEMFI (Centre for Monetary and Financial Studies).
- 2009-2011
- Alternate member of the Governing Committee of the FROB.
- 2000-2011
- Director of the Legal Department of the Banco de España. Alternate to the Managing Committees of the Deposit Guarantee Funds for banks, savings banks and credit cooperatives.
- 2003-2007
- Member of the Board of Directors of Iberclear, S.A.
- 2002
- Chairman of the National Experts Group of the Council addressing the draft Directive on financial collateral arrangements.
- 1998-2011
- Member of the Legal Committee (LEGCO) of the European System of Central Banks.
- 1992-2000
- Deputy-Head of the Legal Department of the Banco de España, responsible for the Advice on Credit Institutions area.
- 1985-1992
- Legal Counsel, Banco de España.
- 1982-1985
- Credit Department Specialist. Commerzbank AG, Branch in Spain.