Series: Financial Stability Review.
Author: Banco de España.
Full document
Details of the Financial Stability Review. Number 26. May 2014
- Sentando las bases de la política macroprudencial: de las falencias pre-Lehman a los desafíos pos-Lehman. Augusto de la Torre and Alain Ize 192 KB
- Systemic risk, monetary and macroprudential policy. José-Luis Peydró 106 KB
- SEPA 2.0 – Avanzando en la integración europea: la Zona Única de Pagos en Euros (SEPA) en perspectiva. Sergio Gorjón and Ana Fernández Bedoya 232 KB
- Sovereign risk and financial stability. Christian Castro and Javier Mencía 341 KB
- Financial disintermediation in international markets and global banks funding models. José María Serena 304 KB
- A first approach to creditor monitoring, the paradoxical missing lever of corporate governance in Spain. Carlos Ara 166 KB