In order to obtain qualitative information on the evolution of economic activity, as well as helping to better understand the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the Spanish business fabric, Banco de España sends a quarterly survey to a sample of companies selected by the Central Balance Sheet Data Office.
BELab offers access to the anonymized microdata of this survey, adding economic and financial information from the CBI database of the Central Balance Sheet Data Office.
- Data source: Quarterly survey of a sample of Spanish non-financial corporations in order to obtain qualitative information on the evolution of economic activity. These data have been joined to a set of variables of the companies surveyed from the information available in the CBI.
- Unit of analysis: individual enterprise
- Frequency: quarterly / annual
- Period: 2020T4 – 2022T2
- Last data extraction: October 2022
- Identifier: internal code (anonymized)
- Languages available: Spanish and English
- Data producer: Banco de España
- User Guide: Microdata from Survey on Business Activity (EBAE)
(570 KB)
- Sample file: Sample file EBAE
(25 KB)
- Possibility of remote access: Yes
- DOI: 10.48719/BELab.EBAE20T422T2