7th ANNUAL RESEARCH CONFERENCE Macroeconomic and Financial Aspects of Climate Change

The 7th Annual Research Conference on Macroeconomic and Financial Aspects of Climate Change, organized by Banco de España, is focused on the implications of climate change for the conduct of monetary policy, financial regulation, financial aspects of the green transition, and the macroeconomy in general. This year, the conference is adjoint to the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid conference, focused on the same issue, in cooperation with the European Economic Review.


  • Stephie Fried (San Francisco Fed)
  • Elise Gourier (ESSEC Business School)
  • John Hassler (IIES Stockholm University)
  • Per Krussel (Stockholm University)
  • Gernot Mueller (Univ.Tübingen)
  • Marco del Negro (New York Fed)
  • Conny Olovsson (Sveriges Riksbank)
  • Glenn Rudebusch (Brookings Institution)
  • Gauthier Vermandel (École Polytechnique Paris)


  • Carlos Thomas Borao (Banco de España)
  • Óscar Jordá (Federal Reserve Bank San Francisco)
  • Fernanda Nechio (Federal Reserve Bank San Francisco)
  • Eva Ortega (Banco de España)
  • Evi Pappa (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)


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