Revision of some Financial Accounts captions in the context of the benchmark revision 2019 of financial accounts


In this edition of the Financial Accounts of the Spanish Economy (FASE), some of the captions have been revised, in coordination with the revision of the National Accounts implemented by the INE, as a result of this year’s (2019) benchmark revision of the financial accounts, carried out pursuant to agreements for a harmonised European revision policy for macroeconomic statistics.

The following should be highlighted in relation to this update of the FASE: (i) the reclassification of securities issuing entities that are subsidiaries of non-financial corporations; (ii) the revision of the classification criteria for financial holding companies; (iii) alignment of the preparation procedures for certain items of the rest of the world sector (S2) to improve consistency with the balance of payments and international investment position statistics and (iv) incorporation of the latest Central Balance Sheet Data Office data, owing to the use of a new extrapolation procedure to obtain the national aggregates (this revision affects inter-company loans, trade credits and other equity).

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