Revision of some Financial Accounts captions in the context of the benchmark revision 2019 of financial accounts


In this edition of the publication Financial Accounts of the Spanish Economy (FASE) some captions have been revised in the context of the benchmark revision of financial accounts that, following agreements at European level for harmonised revision of macroeconomic statistics, will be carried out this year (2019). The note Revisión benchmark 2019 de las cuentas financieras is available on this website. A notable feature of this update of the FASE is the incorporation of the new data for the insurance companies sector from the statistical regulations of the ECB. This has mainly affected the items Insurance, pension and standardised guarantee schemes and Other equity. Additionally, on the recommendation of various expert groups, net rather than gross recording is applied to the holdings of debt securities issued by entities belonging to sub-sector S.12, Other monetary financial institutions, which these hold in their portfolios as collateral for financing received from the Eurosystem.

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