The sector detail within other non-monetary financial institutions is widened as it is broken down into three new subsectors: other financial intermediaries, financial auxiliaries and captive financial institutions and money lenders
Chapter 3. Financial accounts and complementary indicators
The sector detail within Other non-monetary financial institutions is widened as it is broken down into three new subsectors: other financial intermediaries, financial auxiliaries and captive financial institutions and money lenders. In particular, six new tables have been included for these subsectors, presenting both balance sheets and financial transactions.
The change is intended to provide more detailed financial sector information that allows a better analysis of sectoral financing and indebtedness. Even though these subsectors do not have a significant importance in Spain, this publication covers a need expressed by users of macroeconomic statistics in different international forums. In the European context, the strategy has been coordinated to complete
these details in 2022, following the ECB Guideline 2021/827 of 29 April 2021 (ECB/2021/20), that modifies ECB Guideline BCE/2013/24 on the statistical reporting requirements in the field of financial accounts.
New tables are accessible through this link, more information here