This section includes the updated version of the Eurosystem Oversight Policy Framework as well as complementary information relating to this framework.
- Revised assessment methodology for payment systems (June 2018)
(1.006 KB)
- Eurosystem oversight policy framework (July 2016)
(114 KB)
- Revised oversight framework for retail payment systems (February 2016)
(140 KB)
- Guide for the assessment of card payment schemes against the oversight standards (February 2015)
(517 KB)
- Guide for the assessment of credit transfer schemes against the oversight standards (November 2014)
(831 KB)
- Guide for the assessment of debit transfer schemes against the oversight standards (November 2014)
(896 KB)
- Assesment methodology for Payment Systems 2014
(155 KB)
- Recommendations for the security of internet payments, ECB (January 2013)
(307 KB)
- Principles for financial market infrastructures: disclosure framework and assessment methodology, CPSS-IOSCO (December 2012)
(597 KB)
- Oversight expectations for links between retail payment systems, ECB (November 2012)
(301 KB)
- Principles for financial market infrastructures, CPSS-IOSCO (April 2012)
(1 MB)
- Oversight framework for direct debit schemes, ECB (October 2010)
(797 KB)
- Oversight framework for credit transfer schemes, ECB (October 2010)
(802 KB)
- Harmonised oversight approach and oversight standards for payment instruments, ECB (February 2009).
(116 KB)
- Oversight framework for card payment schemes standards - Standards, ECB (January 2008).
(900 KB)
- Guide for the assessment against the business continuity oversight expectations for SIPS, ECB (November 2007).
(84 KB)
- The Eurosystem policy principles on the location and operation of infrastructures settling euro-denominated payment transactions, ECB (July 2007)
(29 KB)
- Business continuity oversight expectations for systemically important payment systems (SIPS), ECB (June 2006).
(84 KB)
- "Central bank oversight of payment and settlement systems". Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems Publications n.º 68 (May 2005)
- Electronic money system security objectives, ECB (May 2003).
- The Eurosystem's policy line with regard to consolidation in central counterparty clearing, ECB (September 2001).
(20 KB)
- Role of the Eurosystem in the field of payment systems oversight, ECB (June 2000)
- "Report of the Committee on Interbank Netting Schemes of the central banks of the Group of Ten countries", Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems Publications (November 1990).