Jaime Herrero García

Jaime Herrero García Associate Director General Services and Control and Accounting

Place and date of birthSalamanca, 21 November 1960

Academic qualifications, distinctions and awards

    • 1983
    • Degree in Law. Universidad de Salamanca.
    • 1985
    • State Tax Revenue Service, professional staff.
    • 1987
    • Audit and accounting expert at the Ministry of Finance.
    • 1989
    • Lawyer. Auditor.
    • 2006
    • Senior Management Program. IESE.

Career details

    • 2024 to date
    • Associate Director General Services and Control and Accounting. Banco de España.
    • 2016-2024
    • Deputy General Secretary of the Banco de España and Associate Director General.
    • 2018 to date
    • Secretary of the Audit Committee of the Banco de España.
    • 2014 to date
    • Member of the Financial Intelligence Committee of Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Monetary Offences (CPBCIM).
    • 2013 to date
    • Member of the Academic Council of the European Association for Banking and Financial History (EABH).
    • 2004 to date
    • Banco de España representative on the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).
    • 2003 to date
    • Member of the Standing Committee of the CPBCIM.
    • 2014-2016
    • Director of Deputy Secretariat Department. Banco de España.
    • 2007-2014
    • Director of Technical Secretariat Department. Banco de España.
    • 2003-2007
    • Head of the Litigation Division of the Legal Department. Banco de España.
    • 1999-2003
    • Head of General Counsel and Litigation of the Legal Service. Banco de España.
    • 1989-1999
    • Legal Counsel in the Legal Service. Banco de España.
    • 1987-1989
    • Section Head at the Institute of Fiscal Studies.
    • 1985-1987
    • Deputy State Tax Inspector.