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  • Judith Arnal Martínez

Judith Arnal Martínez


Judith Arnal Martínez Council member

Place and date of birth San Sebastián, 6 November 1985

Academic qualifications, distinctions and awards

    • 2019
    • PhD in Economics and Enterprise, Universidad de Navarra.
    • 2015
    • Master’s degree in Macroeconometrics and Finance, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo.
    • 2013
    • Master’s degree in Portfolio Management, Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles.
    • 2012
    • Government economist and trade expert.
    • 2009
    • Degree in Economics and Law, with distinction in both cases, Universidad de Navarra.

Career details

    • 2024 to date
    • Professor of the Master in Management at Instituto de Empresa.
    • 2023 to date
    • Senior Research Fellow at the Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS).Member of the Banco de España Audit Committee.Member of the Banco de España’s Governing Council. Senior Research Fellow del Real Instituto Elcano.
    • 2022 to date
    • Member of the Scientific Council of the Real Instituto Elcano.
    • 2021-2022
    • Head of the Office of the First Vice-President of the Government and Minister for the Economy and Digital Transformation.
    • 2019-2021
    • Head of the Technical and Financial Analysis Office of the Treasury.
    • 2019-2021
    • Spanish representative on the Financial Services Committee of the Council of the European Union.
    • 2016-2019
    • Chair of the Eurogroup Working Group Task Force on Coordinated Action, Economic and Financial Committee of the European Union.
    • 2012-2016
    • Advisor on financial regulation and European affairs, the Treasury.

Other distinctions and experience

    • 2019-2022
    • Director of the Official Credit Institute, Red.es and the Empresa Nacional de Innovación (ENISA).
    • 2019-2021
    • Chair of the financial sandbox Coordination Committee. Numerous publications in technical and research journals.