New detail by currency, institutional sector and instrument is proviced in the Balance of payments, International investment position statistics and Gross external debt
Chapter 17. Balance of payments and international investment position
Two new tables have been included, complementing the information already published about the International investment position and the Gross external debt with their currency composition details: table 17.22b contains the breakdown by currency of assets in the International investment position, and table 17.32 provides the breakdown by currency of the external debt assets and liabilities. With this new publication, the recommendations of the G20 Data Gaps initiative for the enhancement of monetary and financial statistics are followed.
In addition to the series included in the new tables mentioned above, and coherently with the recent changes introduced by the ECB Guideline on external statistics (ECB/2018/19), new Balance of payments and International investment position data are also published in BIEST. These new series offer, above all, a greater detail by institutional sector and instrument of the financial transactions and positions, and are accessible through this link