Republication of data of EDP debt ratios for Regional (Autonomous) Governments as percentage of GDP mp and the Spanish version of the Statistical Bulletin for December 2023
Chapter 13. Regional autonomous governments
Due to an error in the updating of the latest figures of the Spanish Regional Accounts information, tables that show the ratios of EDP debt for Regional (Autonomous) Governments as percentage of GDP mp have been published again. Those tables are table 13.10 (Debt according to the excessive deficit procedure (EDP) by regional (autonomous) government. As a percentage of GDP mp) and table 13.12 (Debt of public enterprises not included in the general government sector, by regional (autonomous) government owner. As a percentage of GDP mp).
Moreover, the Spanish version of the Statistical Bulletin corresponding to December 2023 has been published again due to an error in the production of the very table 13.10, that affected the rounding of data shown in the annual block between 2014 and 2018. Neverthless, the English version and the csv files are correct and, therefore, those haven’t been republished.