- 29/12/2016: SSP Release 12.0. First user consultation and main milestones
- 29/12/2016: Amendment of the release go-live
- 20/12/2016: Notice: 26th December 2016
- 01/12/2016: Cambio de conexión de la SSP con T2S desde el entorno de Comunidad al de Pre-producción (actualización)
- 25/11/2016: Joint meeting September 2016 of the TWG and the WGT2
- 25/11/2016: Information Guide for TARGET2 Users Version 10.0
- 17/11/2016 SSP release v10.0: confirmation of go-live
- 15/11/2016: Workshop on ASI procedure 6 real-time in TARGET2
- 15/11/2016: Nota Informativa 2/2016: TARGET2–Banco de España. Referencias relativas a efectos de conciliación (update of Nota Informativa 1/2016)
- 07/11/2016: Quarterly update of the TARGET2 performance indicators
- 07/11/2016: TARGET2 ICM Compatibility Matrix for Release 10.0
- 25/10/2016: T2S Presentation October 25th, 2016
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- 07/10/2016: Confirmation of the Start of User Testing SSP v 10.0
- 05/10/2016: Final content of the SSP release 11.0
- 05/10/2016: TARGET2 CUST Switch of connection from T2S Community to Pre-production (and vice versa)
- 30/09/2016: Joint meeting February 2016 of the TWG and the WGT2
- 07/09/2016: Quarterly update of the TARGET2 performance indicators
- 07/09/2016: Testing activities SSP release 10.0
- 03/08/2016: Informes de disponibilidad 2016
- 28/07/2016: Disclosure report - June 2016
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- 27/07/2016: Resultado consulta servicios RTGS - “Summary of feedback received”
- 18/07/2016: Delivery of UDFS v.10.0
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- 22/06/2016: Summary of the GUT2BE Meeting - 16/03/2016
- 20/06/2016: TARGET2 ICM Compatibility Matrix for Release 10.0
- 09/06/2016: Manual de uso de la aplicación STE (versión 8.0)
- 06/06/2016: Cuestionario perfil de participación en TARGET2-BE tras la migración deIBERCLEAR a T2S (ventana final)”
- 06/06/2016: SSP release 9.1: Confirmation of the success of the acceptance testing activities for issues affecting TARGET2 participants
- 03/06/2016 Presentación T2S 31 de Mayo 2016: Proceso de registro de las DCAs, documentación legal y formularios
- 17/05/2016: Extract of UDFS book1 v10.0
- 12/05/2016: TARGET Annual report 2015
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- 29/04/2016: Communication on SSP Release 11.0 – Collection of change requests
- 29/04/2016: Communication on SSP Release 10.0 – Implementation of a change request
- 28/04/2016 Nota Informativa 1/2016: TARGET2–Banco de España. Referencias relativas a efectos de conciliación (updated by Nota Informativa 2/2016)
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- 15/04/2016: Communication on the testing for SSP release 9.1
- 16/03/2016: Easter Week 2016
- 09/03/2016: T2S Presentation March 8th, 2016
- 23/02/2016: Communication to the user community on SSP Release 11.0 - First user consultation and main milestones
- 17/02/2016: Quarterly update of the TARGET2 performance indicators
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- 21/01/2016: Connection of the Croatian National Bank to TARGET2 is confirmed for 1 February 2016