Research seminars

This section shows the research seminars on environmental sustainability organised by the Banco de España. Our general research seminars programmeOpens in new window can be consulted. By formal invitation from the organisers only.


  • 4 september. Juan Carlos Ciscar e Ignacio Mongelli (JRC-Sevilla). Regional economic model for climate impact assessment.


  • 17 april. Marcus Opp (Stockholm School of Economics). Socially Optimal Eligibility Criteria for ESG Funds.

  • 27 march. Magdalena Rola-Janicka (Tilburg University). Too Levered for Pigou? Carbon Pricing, Financial Constraints, and Leverage Regulation.


  • 14 November. Stefano Carattini (Georgia State University). Climate policy uncertainty and firms’ and investors’ behavior.
  • 7 October. Alexander Popov (ECB). Carbon Taxes and Fossil Lending.
  • 23 September. Quyen Nguyebm (Univ. of Otago). Scope 3 Emissions: Data Quality and Machine Learning Prediction Accuracy.
  • 29 June. Hans Degryse (KU Leuven). Asset Overhang and Technological Change.
  • 6 June. Ulrich Wagner (Univ. of Mannheim). Measuring and evaluating implicit air pollution trades on the European carbon market.
  • 17 May. Rick van der Ploeg (Oxford). Asset Diversification versus Climate Action.
  • 25 April. Martin Oehmke (LSE). Green capital requirements.
  • 14 March. Thomas Stoerk (LSE, NBB). Economic impacts of tipping points in the climate system.


  • 1 December. Miguel Gil Tertre (EC-DG Energy). Modelling the impacts of energy and climate policies
  • 29 October. Paula Bustos (CEMFI). The effects of Climate Change on Labor and Capital Reallocation
  • 28 October. Miriam Bueno (MITECO).
  • 27 September. Monika Piazzesi (Stanford University). How unconventional is green monetary policy?
  • 27 September. Antonio Soria y Juan Carlos Císcar (EC-JRC). COP25 GECO Electrification BoE y Assessing European climate risks the PESETA suite of projects (P4-P5).
  • 27 July. Lara Lázaro (Real Instituto Elcano). La gobernanza del cambio climático: implicaciones para España.
  • 18 June. Mirabelle Muûls (Business School). Management Practices and Climate Policy in China
  • 26 May. Antonio Soria y Juan Carlos Ciscar (EC-JRC). Assessing climate risks in Europe, the JRC PESETA experience
  • 30 March. Natalia Fabra (Universidad Carlos III). Degrowth versus decoupling: Competing strategies for carbon abatement?
  • 16 February. Scott R. Baker (Kellogg School of Management). Expectation Formation Following Large Unexpected Shocks


  • 24 November. Mar Reguant (Northwestern University). The Distributional Impacts of Real-Time pricing.
  • 16 November. Jesús Gonzalo (Universidad Carlos III). What type of Global Warming do we have? y Daniel Santabárbara (Banco de España). Efectos de un impuesto al CO2 sobre la economía española
  • 27 October. Jan Abrell (ZEW Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research). Lecture on the Economics of Carbon Mitigation: Carbon Pricing and Renewable Energy Promotion.
  • 19 October. Jorge Sanz (NERA) La reforma fiscal medioambiental en el informe de la Comisión de expertos de transición y Óscar Arnedillo (NERA) La lucha contra el cambio climático.
  • 1 October. Lucia Alessi (European Commission, Joint Research Centre). EU taxonomy for environmentally-sustainable economic activities
  • 22 September. Antoine Dechezleprêtre (Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics). The effects of the environmental policies on competitiveness, innovation and emissions.
  • 18 September. Mikel González e Iñaki Arto (Basque Centre for Climate Change-BC3). Impact assessment of the Spanish national energy and climate plan (NECP) 2021-2030.
  • 15 July. Reyer Gerlagh (Tilburg University). Regulating stock externalities
  • 7 July. Gilbert Cette (Banque de France). Long-term growth impact of climate change and policies