Migratory pressures in the long run: international migration projections to 2050

Migratory pressures in the long run: international migration projections to 2050

Series: Analytical Articles.

Author: Rodolfo Campos.

Topics: Economic situation | Labour market | Spain | International Economy.

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Migratory pressures in the long run: international migration projections to 2050 (731 KB)


This article presents bilateral international migration projections to 2050 based on a new methodology that takes into account the population growth both in countries of origin and countries of destination. To do this, the methodology used by Hanson and McIntosh (2016) to project the future migratory flows to a sample of OECD countries is generalised to all countries worldwide. The United Nations population growth forecasts are used as a basis for projecting future migratory flows. The main findings of the exercise indicate that the number of migrants is projected to increase from 2.8% of the world population in 2010 to around 3.5% in 2050, as a result of the strong increase in migrants from India and sub-Saharan Africa. Against this background, and despite the slowdown in demographic growth in Latin America, the United States is expected to continue to receive high net immigration flows and to remain the country with the highest stock of immigrants globally, while continental Europe will post larger net immigration flows.

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