Individual and sectoral analysis framework for the impact of economic and financial risks

Individual and sectoral analysis framework for the impact of economic and financial risks

Series: Occasional Papers. 2313.

Author: Banco de España.

Full document

Individual and sectoral analysis framework for the impact of economic and financial risks (906 KB)


The Banco de España uses various microeconomic models, mostly of an empirical nature, to support its decision-making in relation to the analysis of economic and financial risks and economic policy advice. These models, which complement those of a macroeconomic nature, seek to identify the potentially heterogeneous impact on different groups of agents of certain economic, financial or public policy scenarios. This analysis covers many areas, including the study of the behaviour of households and non-financial corporations, the internal credit rating of companies, the study of the demand for and supply of bank credit, top-down bank stress tests, supervisory review and evaluation processes (SREP) and the study of non-bank financial intermediaries. This paper shows how these models have been applied to analyse two recent crisis events, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, illustrating their practical utility and the need for their development and continuous adaptation.

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