Seminars 2017
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Disclaimer: These documents are made available in the original format provided by their authors. They have not been changed by the Banco de España.
- 18/12/2017 (15:15-16:30) Effrosyni Adampoulou (Banca d’Italia): Contract Cycles
- 13/12/2017 (12:00-13:15) Olivier Loisel (ENSAE): Pegging the Interest Rate on Bank Reserves: A Resolution of New Keynesian Puzzles and Paradoxes (599 KB)
- 05/12/2017 (12:00-13:15) Luciano Campos (CUNEF): "Potential output, output gap and inflation: evidence from Argentina (2007-2015)" and "The 2000's commodity boom and the exchange rate in Argentina" (635 KB)
- 29/11/2017 (12:00-13:15) Virginia Sanchez Marcos (Universidad de Cantabria): Aggregating Elasticities: Intensive and Extensive Margins of Female Labour Supply (647 KB)
- 22/11/2017 (12:00-13:15) Pedro Brinca (Nova SBE): Fiscal Consolidation Programs and Income Inequality (2 MB)
- 16/11/2017 (15:15-16:30) Pol Antras (Harvard University): Venting Out: Exports during a Domestic Slump (14 MB)
- 15/11/2017 (12:00-13:30) Elisabeth Proehl (University of Geneva) : Approximating Equilibria with Ex-Post Heterogeneity and Aggregate Risk (852 KB)
- 30/10/2017 (12:00-13:30) Athanasios Orphanides (MIT Sloan School of Management): The Fiscal-Monetary Policy Mix in the Euro-Area: Challenges at the Zero Lower Bound (1 MB)
- 27/10/2017 (11:30-12:45) (Place: Sala Echegaray). Jesús Gonzalo (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid): Quantile Factor Models (1 MB)
- 06/10/2017 (12:00-13:30) Sergio Urzua (University of Maryland): Commodity Shocks, Firm-level Responses and Labor Market Dynamics
- 06/10/2017 (10:30-11:45) Miles Kimball (University of Colorado Boulder): What Do People Want?
- 04/10/2017 (12:00-13:15) Christian Dustman (University College London): Lowering Welfare Benefits: Intended and Unintended Consequences for Migrants and their Families
- 03/10/2017 (12:00-13:15) Miles Kimball (University of Colorado Boulder): Seminar on monetary policy issues
- 25/09/2017 (10:00-11:15) José Dorich (Bank of Canada): Could a Higher Inflation Target Enhance Macroeconomic Stability?
- 20/09/2017 (12:00-13:15) Salvador Barrios (Joint Research Centre of the European Commission): Dynamic Scoring of Tax Reforms in the European Union (1 MB)
- 15/09/2017 (12:00-13:15) Leonardo Gambacorta (Bank for International Settlements): The Real Effects of Relationship Lending (684 KB)
- 14/09/2017 (12:00-13:15) Benjamin Moll (Princeton University): Monetary Policy According to HANK (1 MB)
- 06/09/2017 (12:00-13:15) Katja Kaufmann (University of Mannheim): Gender Peer Effects, Non-Cognitive Skills and Marriage Market Outcomes: Evidence from Single-Sex Schools in the UK
- 30/08/2017 (16:00-17:15) Marco Del Negro (FRB New York): Safety, Liquidity, and the Natural Rate of Interest (5 MB)
- 29/06/2017 (17:30-18:45) Juan Rubio-Ramírez (Emory University): Narrative Sign Restrictions
- 26/06/2017 (12:30-13:45) Jesús Fernández-Villaverde (University of Pennsylvania): Safe Assets (688 KB)
- 23/06/2017 Joan Llull (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona): Internal Migration in Dual labor Markets (4 MB)
- 21/06/2017 Lorenzo Burlon (Banca d’Italia): Non-standard Monetary Policy Measures, Asset Prices and Macroprudential Policy in a Monetary Union (541 KB)
- 12/06/2017 Juan Londono (Federal Reserve Board of Governors): Sentiment in Central Banks’ Financial Stability Reports (1 MB)
- 07/06/2017 Ana Maria Santacreu (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis): Capital Accumulation and Dynamic Gains from Trade (636 KB)
- 05/06/2017 Maria Jose Prados (University of Southern California): Slowing Women’s Labor Participation: The Role of Income Inequality
- 29/05/2017 Antoni Espasa (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid): 22 Years of Inflation Forecasting Experience at the Bulletin of EU and US Inflation and Macroeconomic Analysis
- 29/05/2017 (10:30-11:30) Tobal Martin (Banco de México): Financial and Price Stability in Emerging Markets: The Role of the Interest Rate (1 MB)
- 10/05/2017 Jan Stuhler (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid): Shift-Share Instruments and the Impact of Immigration (718 KB)
- 08/05/2017 Daniel Riera-Crichton (Bates College): Non-linear effects of tax changes on output: A worldwide narrative approach (1 MB)
- 05/05/2017 Guillermo Ordonez (University of Pennsylvania): Good Booms, Bad Booms (3 MB)
- 03/05/2017 Antonio Antunes (Banco de Portugal): Public Debt Expansions and the Dynamics of the Household Borrowing Constraint (671 KB)
- 26/04/2017 José Marin (AIReF): Sustainability and Stabilisation of Real Debt
- 19/04/2017 Oreste Tristani (ECB): Monetary Policy and Long-Term Interest Rates (411 KB)
- 05/04/2017 Costas Meghir (Yale University): The Marriage Market, Labor Supply and Education Choice (375 KB)
- 04/04/2017 Giorgio Topa (Federal Reserve Bank of New York): Subjective Intertemporal Substitution (562 KB)
- 29/03/2017 Alisdair McKay (Boston University): Optimal Automatic Stabilizers (613 KB)
- 22/03/2017 Arnau Valladares-Esteban (University of Southampton): The Black-White Gap in Earnings and Employment (682 KB)
- 15/03/2017 (12:30-13:45) (Place: Sala Los Madrazo) Tanju Yorulmazer (U Amsterdam): A Theory of Collateral for the Lender of Last Resort” (404 KB)
- 13/03/2017 (12:30-13:45) Helios Herrera (Warwick University): Demand and Supply of Populism (1.005 KB)
- 06/03/2017 (12:30-14:00) Pilar Poncela (Joint Research Centre European Commission): Measuring risk sharing in Europe and characterizing country heterogeneity
- 01/03/2017 Jose Silva (Universitat de Girona): Local Labor Market Effects of Public Employment (1 MB)
- 27/02/2017 Steven Ongena (University of Zurich): Changes in the Cost of Bank Equity and the Supply of Bank Credit (371 KB)
- 22/02/2017 Martín Gonzalez-Eiras (University of Copenhagen): Resolution of Collateral Crises (259 KB)
- 17/02/2017 Aitor Erce (ESM): Macroeconomic Effects of Official Debt Restructuring: Evidence from the Paris Club (1 MB)