Seminars 2006
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Disclaimer: These documents are made available in the original format provided by their authors. They have not been changed by the Banco de España.
- 21/12/2006 David López Salido (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System): Strategic Complementarities and Optimal Monetary Policy (299 KB)
- 15/12/2006 Antonio Zabalza (Universidad de Valencia): La Financiación Autonómica en el Estatuto de Cataluña (314 KB)
- 29/11/2006 Francis Kramarz (INSEE): The Returns to Seniority in France (and Why Are they Lower than in the United States) (667 KB)
- 24/11/2006 Massimiliano Marcellino (IGIER, Univ. Bocconi): A Benchmark for Forecasting Models of Growth and Inflation (153 KB)
- 15/11/2006 Andrew Bernard (Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth): Transfer Pricing by U.S.-Based Multinational Firms (366 KB)
- 08/11/2006 Antti Ripatti (Bank of Finland) : Bank of Finland's experiences in using DGE model for forecasting and policy analysis
- 06/11/2006 Alessandra Guariglia (Univ. Nottingham): Could Financial Distortions be no Impediment to Economic Growth After All? Evidence from China (316 KB)
- 27/10/2006 Sebastián Edwards (UCLA): Capital controls, external imbalances, sudden stops and contagion (137 KB)
- 18/10/2006 Thijs van Rens (Universitat Pompeu Fabra): Heterogeneous Life-Cycle Profiles, Income Risk and Consumption Inequality (302 KB)
- 28/09/2006 Marco Francesconi (University of Essex): Job Changes and Hours Changes: Understanding the Path of Labour Supply Adjustment (269 KB)
- 20/09/2006 Larry D. Wall (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta): Debt, Hedging and Human Capital (341 KB)
- 06/09/2006 Nooman Rebei (Bank of Canada): An Estimated Business Cycle Model With Stage-Specific Technological Change (400 KB)
- 14/06/2006 Nacho García Pérez (CENTRA): The use of permanent contracts across Spanish regions: Do regional wage subsidies work? (353 KB)
- 06/06/2006 Jerry Dwyer (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta): How important are capital and total factor productivity for economic growth? (764 KB)
- 29/05/2006 Liliana Rojas (Center for Global Development, Washington): The Burden of Debt: An Exploration of Interest Rate Behavior in Latin America (425 KB)
- 24/05/2006 D. Aigner (University of California): Corporate Social Responsibility and the Bottom Line (23 KB)
- 16/05/2006 Chrysostomos Tabakis (Universidade Nova de Lisboa): Customs Unions and Managed Trade (275 KB)
- 10/05/2006 Christian Volpe (IDB): Trade Policy and Sectoral Manufacturing Specialization (118 KB)
- 05/04/2006 Luis Puch (UCM and FEDEA): Cost of Business Cycles with non clearing markets (155 KB)
- 08/03/2006 Javier Suárez (CEMFI): Hot and cold housing markets: International evidence (353 KB)
- 01/03/2006 Héctor Sala (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona): The Relevance of Post-Match LTC: Why Has the Spanish Labor Market Become as Volatile as the US One? (367 KB)