Seminars 2011
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Disclaimer: These documents are made available in the original format provided by their authors. They have not been changed by the Banco de España.
- 21/12/2011 Jesús Fernández Villaverde (University of Pennsylvania): Fiscal Volatility Shocks and Economic Activity (760 KB)
- 13/12/2011 Victor Aguirregabiria (University of Toronto): Bank Expansion after the Riegle-Neal Act: The Role of Diversification of Geographic Risk (1 MB)
- 12/12/2011 Óscar Jordá (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco): When Credit Bites Back: Leverage, Business Cycles, and Crises (614 KB)
- 23/11/2011 Lars Erik Oller (Stockholm University): Quantifying the Quality of Macroeconomic Variables (598 KB)
- 16/11/2011 David Dorn (CEMFI): The China Syndrome: Local Labor Market Effects of Import Competition in the United States (555 KB)
- 14/11/2011 Cesaire Meh (Bank of Canada): Bank Leverage Regulation and Macroeconomic Dynamics (299 KB)
- 24/10/2011 Rafael Domenech (BBVA): Credit, Banking and Fiscal Policy in a DSGE Model for EMU
- 21/10/2011 Christopher Mayer (Columbia Business School): Noise Traders, Distant Speculators and Asset Bubbles in the Housing Market (2 MB)
- 19/10/2011 Jonathan Thomas (University of Edinburgh): Equal treatment, worker replacement and wage rigidity (177 KB)
- 05/10/2011 Sergi Jimenez (Universidad Pompeu Fabra): The Effects of Employment Uncertainty and Wealth Shocks on the Labor Supply and Claiming Behavior of Older American Workers (260 KB)
- 28/09/2011 Jordan Rappaport (Kansas Fed): The Settlement of the U.S., 1790 to 2000: The Emergence of Gibrat’s Law (1 MB)
- 21/09/2011 Anil K Kashyap (University of Chicago Booth School of Business): Financial Regulation in General Equilibrium (367 KB)
- 29/06/2011 Javier Suárez (CEMFI): A Macroeconomic Model of Endogenous Systemic Risk Taking (372 KB)
- 21/06/2011 Pedro Gomes (Universidad Carlos III): Do Credit Rating Agencies Piggyback? Evidence from Sovereign Debt Ratings (491 KB)
- 15/06/2011 Viktoria Hnatkovska (University of British Columbia): The Rise of Corporate Savings (450 KB)
- 06/06/2011 John Duca (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas): How Financial Innovations and Accelerators Drive Booms and Busts in U.S. Consumption (521 KB)
- 02/06/2011 Marco Lo Duca (European Central Bank): Modeling the Time Varying Determinants of Portfolio Flows to Emerging Markets (22 KB)
- 24/05/2011 Jennifer La'O (Chicago Booth School of Business): Dispersed information over the business cycle: optimal fiscal and monetary policy (432 KB)
- 18/05/2011 Andrew Scott (London Business School): Learning and Price Volatility in Duopoly Models of Resource Depletion (570 KB)
- 11/05/2011 Cristian Bartolucci (Collegio Carlo Alberto): Identifying Sorting: In Practice (321 KB)
- 04/05/2011 Alejandro Cuñat (Vienna University): Trade Liberalization and Heterogeneous Firm Models: An Evaluation Using the Canada - US Free Trade Agreement (347 KB)
- 27/04/2011 Rafael Repullo (CEMFI): Moral Hazard and Debt Maturity (258 KB)
- 06/04/2011 Libertad Gonzalez Luna (Universitat Pompeu Fabra): The Effects of a Universal Child Benefit: A Regression Discontinuity Design (346 KB)
- 31/03/2011 Giovanni Calice (University of Southampton): Liquidity Interactions in Credit Markets: An Analysis of the Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis
- 23/03/2011 Victoria Ivashina (Harvard Business School): Cyclicality of Credit Supply: Firm Level Evidence (374 KB)
- 16/03/2011 Andrei Zlate (Federal Reserve Board): Immigration, Remittances and Business Cycles* (1 MB)
- 14/03/2011 Filippo di Mauro (European Central Bank): Measuring Competitiveness: the results of traditional and new indicators (1 MB)
- 09/03/2011 Antoni Espasa (Universidad Carlos III): Forecasting aggregate and disaggregates with common features (1 MB)
- 03/03/2011 Lutz Kilian (University of Michigan): Forecasting the Price of Oil (543 KB)