Research Staff(alphabetical)
Disclaimer. The Curriculum Vitae in this page, and any links from this page to websites outside of the domain, are the sole responsibility of José Manuel Montero. The Banco de España is not responsible for their content.
José Manuel Montero
Staff Economist
Sectoral Analysis Division
Economic Developments Department
DG Economics, Statistics and Research
Contact Information
Fields of Interest
- Macroeconomics
- Economics of Innovation
- Markup dynamics
JEL Codes
D22, D4, E23, E3, J2, L11, O3, O4
Curriculum Vitae
Selected Publications and Working Papers
“A sectoral analysis of future challenges of the Spanish economy” (in Spanish)”
José M. Montero joint with Alejandro Fernández (Bank of Spain) (2021)
Occasional Paper, Bank of Spain (forthcoming)
“Markup dynamics and financial frictions: The Spanish case”
José M. Montero joint with Alberto Urtasun (Bank of Spain) (2021)
International Review of Economics and Finance, 71, pp 316-341
“Income, consumption and wealth inequality in Spain”
José M. Montero joint with (all Bank of Spain) Brindusa Anghel, Henrique Basso, Olympia Bover, José María Casado, Laura Hospido, Mario Izquierdo, Ivan A. Kataryniuk, Aitor Lacuesta, and Elena Vozmediano (2018)
SERIEs Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, pp 1-37.
“I will survive. Pricing strategies of financially distressed firms”
José M. Montero joint with Ioana Duca (ECB), Marianna Riggi (Bank of Italy) and Roberta Zizza (Bank of Italy) (2018)
Temi di Discussione 1106, Banca d’Italia. [Revise and Resubmit in Journal of Money, Credit and Banking]
“Pricing decisions under financial frictions: evidence from the WDN survey”
José Manuel Montero (2017)
JEL codes: C25, C26,D22, L11
“Heterogeneity of markups at the firm level and changes over the Great Recession: the case of Spain”
Cristina Fernández, Aitor Lacuesta, José Manuel Montero and Alberto Urtasun (2015)
Banco de España, Working Paper-1536
JEL codes: C23, D24, E31, L11, L16
“The Spanish participation rate: cyclical resilience, fundamentals and future projections”
José Manuel Montero and Ana Regil (2015)
Banco de España, Ocassional Paper -1502
JEL codes: J21, C25, E24
“Price-cost markups in the Spanish Economy: a microeconomic approach”
José Manuel Montero and Alberto Urtasun (2014)
Banco de España Working Papers - #1407
JEL codes: C23, C26, D24, E31, L11
“Business cycles and investment in productivity-enhancing activities: Evidence from Spanish firms”
José Manuel Montero, Paloma López-García and Enrique Moral-Benito (2013-10)
Industry and Innovation - 20 (7), pp. 611-636
JEL codes: O3, E32, D22, C23
“Understanding the Spanish business innovation gap: the role of spillovers and firms' absorptive capacity”
José Manuel Montero and Paloma López-García (2012-12)
Economics of Innovation and New Technology (2012) - 21 (7), pp. 589-612
JEL codes: 032, C23, C25, J6, J24
- Supplementary files: Banco de España Working Papers #1015
“R&D investment and endogenous growth: a SVAR approach”
Ángel Estrada and José Manuel Montero (2009-09)
Banco de España Working Papers - 0925
JEL codes: O30, O40, H50
“Real Exchange Rates, Dollarization and Industrial Employment in Latin America”
Arturo Galindo, Alejandro Izquierdo and José Manuel Montero (2007-12)
Emerging Markets Review - 8 (4), pp. 284-298
JEL codes: E24, F31, F34, G32
- Supplementary files: Banco de España Working Paper #0601
“Debt Sustainability and Procyclical Fiscal Policies in Latin America”
Enrique Alberola and José Manuel Montero (2006-10)
Economía, Journal of the Latin American and Caribbean Association - 7( 1) pp. 157-193, FALL 2006
JEL codes: H6, E6, F3
- Supplementary files: Banco de España Working Paper #0611