Research Staff(alphabetical)
Disclaimer. The Curriculum Vitae in this page, and any links from this page to websites outside of the domain, are the sole responsibility of Mikel Bedayo. The Banco de España is not responsible for their content.
Mikel Bedayo
Senior Economist
Global Regulatory Policy and Impact Analysis Division
DG Financial Stability, Regulation and Resolution
Contact Information
- Address: Calle Alcalá 48, 28014 Madrid, España
Fields of Interest
- Evaluation of policy shocks
- Credit risk
- Credit cycles
- Applied Microeconometrics
JEL Codes
- G21, G28, E32, E44
Curriculum Vitae
Selected Publications and Working Papers
“Screening and loan origination time: lending standards, loan defaults and bank failures”
Mikel Bedayo, Gabriel Jiménez, José Luis Peydró and Raquel Vegas.
Bank of Spain working paper (2020)
“Bank capital, lending booms, and busts: Evidence from Spain over the last 150 years”
Mikel Bedayo, Ángel Estrada and Jesús Saurina.
Latin American Journal of Central Banking (2020).