Research Staff(alphabetical)
Disclaimer. The Curriculum Vitae in this page, and any links from this page to websites outside of the domain, are the sole responsibility of Fernando S. López Vicente. The Banco de España is not responsible for their content.
Fernando S. López Vicente
Staff Economist
Euro Area Division
International Economics and Euro Area Department
DG Economics, Statistics and Research
Contact Information
- Address: Calle Alcalá 48, 28014 Madrid, España
Fields of Interest
- Macroeconomic Policy
- International Macroeconomics
- Global Financial Architecture
- International Monetary System
JEL Codes
- E5, E6, F3, F4, F5
Curriculum Vitae
Selected Publications and Working Papers
“The heterogeneous effects of trade agreements with labour provisions”
F. López Vicente, J. Timini and N. Cortinovis (2020).
The World Economy, Volume 45, Issue 9, September 2022; and Banco de España Working Paper 2017.
“Endeudamiento supranacional y necesidades de financiación en la Unión Europea”
F. López Vicente, M. Delgado-Téllez, I. Kataryniuk, and J.J. Pérez (2020).
Banco de España Documentos Ocasionales 2021.
“Medidas de política fiscal en respuesta a la crisis sanitaria en las principales economías del área del euro, Estados Unidos y Reino Unido”
F. López Vicente, L. Cuadro-Sáez, S. Párraga Rodríguez and Francesca Viani (2020).
Banco de España Documentos Ocasionales 2019.
“The International Monetary Fund and its Role as a Guarantor of Global Financial Stability”
F. López Vicente, S. Gallego and P. L´Hotellerie-Fallois (2018).
Banco de España Economic Bulletin 4/2018.
“Do the Drivers of Loan Dollarization Differ between CESEE and Latin America? A Meta-Analysis”
F. López Vicente, M. Hake and L. Molina (2014).
Focus on European Economic Integration Q1/2014, Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Austrian Central Bank), issue 1; and Banco de España Working Paper 1406.
“Macroeconomic policy in Brazil: inflation targeting, public debt structure and credit policy”
F. López Vicente, J.M. Serena (2014).
Banco de España Documentos Ocasionales 1405.
“The effect of foreclosure regulation: evidence for the US mortgage market at state level”
F. López Vicente (2013).
Banco de España Working Paper 1306.