Research Staff(alphabetical)
Disclaimer. The Curriculum Vitae in this page, and any links from this page to websites outside of the domain, are the sole responsibility of Juan S. Mora Sanguinetti. The Banco de España is not responsible for their content.
Juan S. Mora Sanguinetti
Staff economist
Sectoral Analysis Division
Economic Developments Department
DG Economics, Statistics and Research
Contact Information
- Address: Calle Alcalá 48, 28014 Madrid, España
- Contact form
Fields of Interest
- Institutions, Law & Economics
- Productivity
- Urban, Regional Economics
- Regulation
JEL Codes
- K, L, R
Curriculum Vitae
Selected Publications and Working Papers
“How effective is equality regulation in reducing gender gaps in the labor market?”
Juan S. Mora-Sanguinetti and Andrés Atienza-Maeso (2024)
Journal of Policy Modeling
JEL codes: J2, J71, K00, K36, K38
“Sanctions effectiveness, development and regime type. Are aid suspensions and economic sanctions alike?”
Clara Portela and Juan S. Mora-Sanguinetti (2023)
World Development. Volume 172, December 2023, 106370.
JEL codes: F51,O19, F53, Z18
“Economic Effects of Recent Experiences of Federalism: Analysis of the Regionalization Process in Spain”
Juan S. Mora-Sanguinetti and Rob Spruk (2023)
Journal of Regional Science. 63 (1). 30-63.
JEL codes: R11, 043
“Drafting “better regulation”: The economic cost of regulatory complexity”
Juan de Lucio and Juan S. Mora-Sanguinetti (2022)
Journal of Policy Modeling
JEL codes: O43; K2; R11; O47
“Which legal procedure affects business investment most, and which companies are most sensitive? Evidence from microdata”
Daniel de Juan-Bitria y Juan S. Mora-Sanguinetti (2021)
Economic Modelling (94), pp. 201-220
JEL codes: D25; E22; K41; K12
“Abogacía, derecho bancario y banca: ¿cómo ha influenciado la abogacía española el desarrollo del mercado bancario en los años más recientes?”
Juan S. Mora-Sanguinetti (2019)
Anuario del Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid
JEL codes: G21, K00
Winner of the "Sections Award" of the Madrid Bar Association to the best paper in Banking Law
“Credit, crisis and contract enforcement: evidence from the Spanish loan market”
Juan S. Mora-Sanguinetti, M. Martínez-Matute and Miguel García-Posada (10-2017)
European Journal of Law and Economics 44 (2), pp. 361-383
JEL codes: K41, E51, G2
“Does (average) size matter? Court enforcement, business demography and firm growth”
Miguel García-Posada and Juan S. Mora-Sanguinetti (2014)
Small Business Economics 44 (3), pp. 639-669
JEL codes: K41, K12, L11, L25
“Recent reforms in Spanish housing markets: An evaluation using a DSGE Model”
Juan S. Mora-Sanguinetti and M. Rubio (2014)
Economic Modelling 44, Supplement 1, pp. S42-S49
JEL codes: E51, E6, R31, K34
“Are there alternatives to bankruptcy? A study of small business distress in Spain”
Miguel García-Posada and Juan S. Mora-Sanguinetti (2013-10)
SERIEs, Journal of the Spanish Economic Association 5 (2-3), pp. 287-332
JEL codes: G33, G21, K0
Awarded the prize for the best paper published in the past 4 years in the SERIEs journal