Research Staff(alphabetical)
Disclaimer. The Curriculum Vitae in this page, and any links from this page to websites outside of the domain, are the sole responsibility of Ignacio Hernando Castellet. The Banco de España is not responsible for their content.
Ignacio Hernando Castellet
Division Head
International Relations Division
International and European Relations Department
DG Economics, Statistics and Research
Contact Information
- Address: Calle Alcalá 48, 28014 Madrid, España
- Contact form
Fields of Interest
- No Fields of Interest specified
JEL Codes
- No JEL Codes specified.
Curriculum Vitae
Selected Publications and Working Papers
“The recent slowdown of bank lending in Spain: are supply-side factors relevant?” (1.020 KB)
SERIEs-Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, 2014, v. 5, n. 2, pp 245–285
“The effects of US unconventional monetary policies in Latin America” (711 KB)
Monetaria, 2016, v. IV, n. 3, Julio-Diciembre, pp. 275-320
“International Macroeconomics in the Wake of the Global Financial Crisis” (7 MB)
Ignacio Hernando, L. Ferrara and D. Marconi
Financial and Monetary Policy Studies 46, Springer, 2018
“Los desafíos de la política monetaria en las economías avanzadas tras la Gran Recesión”
Juan Carlos Berganza, Ignacio Hernando and Javier Vallés (2014-09)
Banco de España Occasional Papers - DO1404
- Supplementary files: Monetary Policy after the Geat Recession, FUNCAS, June 2014
“Price setting behaviour in Spain: evidence from consumer price micro-data”
L.J. Álvarez (2006-01)
Economic Modelling - 23 (4), 699-716
“The impact of financial variables on firms’ real decisions: evidence from Spanish firm-level data”
Ignacio Hernando and Carmen Martínez-Carrascal (2008-01)
Journal of Macroeconomics - 30 (1), 543-561
JEL codes: C33, E22, G32, J23
“M&As performance in the European financial industry”
José Manuel Campa and Ignacio Hernando (2006-12)
Journal of Banking and Finance - 30 (12), pp. 3367-3392.
- Supplementary files: Banco de España Working Paper #0516
“The reaction by industry insiders to M&As in the European financial industry”
José Manuel Campa and Ignacio Hernando (2008-01)
Journal of Financial Services Research - 33 (2), 127-146
JEL codes: G20, G34
- Supplementary files: Banco de España Working Paper #0713
“Labour demand, flexible contracts and financial factors: new evidence from Spain”
Andrew Benito and Ignacio Hernando (2008-06)
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics - 70 (3), pp. 283-301
- Supplementary files: Banco de España Working Paper #0312
“Determinants of Domestic and Cross Border Bank Acquisitions in the EU”
María J. Nieto, Ignacio Hernando and Larry D. Wall (2009-06)
Journal of Banking and Finance - 33 (6), 1022-1032
JEL codes: G21, G34
“What do premiums paid for bank M&As reflect? The case of the European Union”
Jens Hagendorff, Ignacio Hernando, María J. Nieto, and Larry D. Wall (2012-01)
Journal of Banking and Finance - 36 (3), pp 749-759