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Glosario de términos


  • Book-Entry System (CADE)
    A platform whereby Iberclear manages the central register of the securities traded in this market and organises the clearing and settlement of operations performed therein.
  • BIC
    The BIC (Bank Identifier Code) identifies the bank that is the beneficiary of a transfer. It completes the information provided by the IBAN. It normally consists of eleven characters, although sometimes it may only have eight. Often it is also known as the Swift code or address. For an intra-Community transfer to be subject to the same commission as a national transfer of the same amount, the originator must provide the bank with the beneficiary's IBAN (International Bank Account Number) and BIC (Bank Identifier Code).
  • Banco de España Settlement System (SLBE)
    Payment system managed by the Banco de España, whereby interbank market deposit operations, FRA market trades and the cash of public debt market operations, among others, are settled among account holders. In this network, the communication of the two contracting parties is required for each operation, except in the case of the blind government debt market where, due to the unawareness of the counterparty, communication is threefold, as the communication of the blind broker which has mediated the operation is required.